Another year has swiftly vanished into history. How were the past 12 months for you? Did you make the changes you’d planned or did your resolve for something different last year peter out by February? Don’t worry, there’s another 12 months ready and waiting for you!

If you’re not happy with the way your life is playing out, here are a few steps to help you take a whole new direction.

Step 1

Decide on the three most important things in your life. List them quickly without too much thought – often your first reaction will be what’s really important.

The list below provides some thought starters. (Choose 3)


Career enchancement

Contribution to society

Creativity and hobbies

Health and Fitness


Financial Independence

Purposeful work and activity


Spiritual growth

Social connections

Step 2

Decide what you will do in the coming months to make changes in these areas. Take time to write down a series of actions that will make a difference. 

Step 3

Tell people around you what you plan to do. This will reinforce your commitment and enable you to manage the expectations of others.

Step 4

Check your progress. Every month, take time to look over your action list and note any changes—even what seem to be small ones.

For example, if you chose ‘Career enhancement’ a first step might be deciding to read one book every month for ‘x’ many months to improve your knowledge on the area in which you want to work. It could be totally unrelated to what you are doing now. This extra knowledge might then be the catalyst for embarking on formal studies to launch you on the career of your dreams.

Small actions like this can make a big change in how you feel about your life.

What are you waiting for?

If procrastination is your enemy, make a decision to overcome it and do something different RIGHT NOW. One small step could mean huge progress towards improving the most important aspects of your life.

Enjoy the adventure!